Monday, February 28, 2022

Fun Alternatives to the Traditional Bridal Bouquet Toss

The bridal bouquet toss is a wedding tradition that has been adored by many for years. However, if you are seeking to add a dash of uniqueness to your big day, you may be looking to highlight a unique alternative to this festive tradition.

Are you aware of the many fun bridal bouquet toss alternatives that you could choose to showcase on your own big day?

We love when a couple presents a dash of uniqueness on their wedding day! That’s why, here at Pacific Hills Bistro, Banquet & Catering, as an Orange County wedding venue, we have gathered some fun alternatives to the traditional bridal bouquet toss, to inspire your own big day. Would you like to discover what these alternatives are? If so, be sure to read on:

  • Ribbon Pull. You can deliver your bridal bouquet to a lucky single lady on your big day by showcasing the ribbon pull tradition! Tie a bunch of ribbons to your bouquet, and have each woman hold onto one. Then, cut a ribbon, one at a time, until the last one remains. Whoever is the lucky winner will be gifted with the bridal bouquet!
  • Lock & Key. Instead of tossing your bridal bouquet, consider locking it up! You can choose a lovely box, place your bridal bouquet within it, and secure it with a pad lock. Then, present each of the single ladies with a key. Whoever’s key opens the box will then be given the bridal bouquet!
  • Anniversary Dance. An anniversary dance is a heartfelt alternative to the traditional bridal bouquet toss, and will evoke the true meaning of love among your dance floor! All of the married guests will join the dance floor and dance with one another. Your emcee will then ask those who have been married five years or less or leave the dance floor, followed by ten years, and so on. The couple who has been married the longest will then remain, and be presented with the bridal bouquet!

Every couple deserves to showcase some uniqueness on their big day! These are just a few of the creative alternatives to the traditional bridal bouquet toss that you could choose to highlight on your own big day.

Are you ready to book a wedding venue in Laguna hills, California to host your own nuptials within? If so, please get in touch with us here at Pacific Hills Bistro, Banquet & Catering, as we would be thrilled with the opportunity to be yours!

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